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Fox Hunt

March 28, 2011

I caught a fox on the hunt. It was likely searching for an inattentive or slow mouse.

Dewey Sunrise
Shenandoah Sunset
Fall In Lewes


  • Bill gorton March 28, 2011

    Tony, can you tell where you saw the Fox? I have gone to Bombay Hook and other locations and have never been that close to one.

    • Tony Pratt March 29, 2011

      Bill, I have seen them at several locations in Bombay Hook. This photo was taken last year along the bank of Bear Swamp Pool. I was out there tonight and got some nice shots of a fox on the entrance road just past the headquarters. It came out just before sunset. I will post a photo of that one in a couple of days. The GBH posted tonight was taken this evening (3/29) also.

  • Bill gorton March 31, 2011

    Thanks Tony, I must get back to Bombay Hook for the Foxes…

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