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Northern Pintails

December 29, 2009

Winter weather has returned to Delaware with strong northerly winds today. These Northern Pintails were feeding in the marsh in preparation for a long, cold windy night. In the top photograph the hen may be saying ‘See ya’ as she jumps up from her small group.

Pintails Sunset 12.29.2009_122909_8983

Pintails Sunset 12.29.2009_122909_8960

Pintails Sunset 12.29.2009_122909_8888


  • Eli December 29, 2009

    Wow these are really great shots! The colors are so great! Your camera must be awesome.

  • Tony Pratt December 29, 2009

    I am now using a Nikon D700 which is awsome!! Thanks to a very generous family for a great Christmas present.

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